Friday, March 9, 2007

Worms XBLA Review

This is a difficult game to review. The Xbox Live Arcade version of Worms is like a funny, intelligent, beautiful woman - that has no arms. You see, everything that is included in Worms is great, but not everything was included. This version of Worms is what I call Couch Worms. It's simple, casual, and just not as fun as the PC Worms games - but it is still better than most of the other crap on Xbox Live Arcade. It's still good ol' Worms, just a little sicklier that we're used to.

It's great to see the updated graphics - the game has never looked better, and the controls are as perfect as they could be on the Xbox 360 controller. For the most part, the weapons perform as they always have, and they sound like they're supposed to sound. So the fact that this game is only about 60% complete is more of a tease than a fat pile of doo. The fact that Microsoft (used to) limit their Arcade games to 50 MB was Worms' death sentence. What follows is a list of things that are sadly missed in this latest version of our beloved 2-D turn-based strategy game:

  • Speech banks - there are about 5 speech banks, and only one of them is in English
  • Levels - there are three (3) maps
  • Teams have a maximum number of four (4) worms
  • Weapons - this one's the kicker. We're missing the Holy Hand Grenade, Super Sheep, Bungee Cord, Parachute, Concrete Donkey, Old Woman, and many others
  • No switching between worms before a turn (which completely changes the gameplay)
  • There is only one song, which you will want to turn off after about 30 minutes
  • The achievements are crap. They don't give you incentive to play online, and they are way too easy to achieve
Did I mention the graphics are beautiful and it is still soooo worth the ten bucks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.